
Find Your Ambition, Confidence, Abundance, Passion.

About Ultimate Success System (USS)

UP! Series

The Ulitmate Success System (USS) comprises of Mindset, Skillset and Toolset – the three areas that ultimately contribute to success.



Our signature program – Unleashed Potential! (UP!) Bootcamp help individuals discover how to unleash their inner potential and companies learn ways to align their staff through a special two-and-a-half-day immersion program.



A series of specialised training sessions to equip individuals and companies with the right skills in the business and financial areas.



A range of tools to assist individuals and companies to hit their goals and ultimately achieve success.

About Unleashed Potential! (UP!) Bootcamp

Unleashed Potential! Bootcamp, the signature two-and-a-half-day immersive program of Ultimate Success System, focuses on helping individuals accelerate their personal growth and unleash their true potential.

Students of this experiential program learn how to break limiting beliefs and nurture greater self-confidence, discover proven success strategies to aid them in realising their goals, and uncover definitive ways to develop winning habits.

UP! Bootcamp has transformed over 20,000 lives, produced millionaires, and planted the seed for countless more success stories. Past participants have come from countries as diverse as Canada, Singapore, Japan, Thailand, India, the Philippines, Vietnam, China, Italy and the USA.

Success simplified – find out why it takes just two days to get you on track to hitting your goals and living your best life. This program will change how you define and achieve success!

UP! Bootcamp Virtual


26-28 March, 2021

You’ll learn how to:


Master Success Habits

Transform your old habits to new game-changing habits. Master energetic daily rituals to propel you towards your dreams.


Create Empowering Beliefs

Break limiting beliefs that hinder you from realising your dreams. We will coach you to create empowering beliefs to accelerate your success.


Discover proven strategies

Discover the strategies of successful people and imbue them into your success blueprint.

UP! Master Trainer

One of the most notable graduates of the UP! program, Mario leverages his experience in building and running industry-leading organisations to inspire others to reach new peaks in life and effectively scale their own businesses.

UP! Master Trainer

Having benefited from the UP! Bootcamp himself, Jet now helps many others unlock their true potential through this experiential program. His achievements have made him the ideal example for how priming yourself for success is key to actually reaching your biggest goals.

UP! Master Trainer

If you’re looking for inspiration, searching for what you’re most grateful for in life, or just a good female role model who can manage business, house and family well together, meet Serene Ng, our Master Trainer for UP! Bootcamp.

UP! Master Trainer

Our next Master Trainer, Wayne Ko, is also a graduate and beneficiary of the UP! Bootcamp. Previously a computer engineer with one of the world’s top airlines and Singapore’s national carrier Singapore Airlines, Wayne enjoyed a comfortable life envied by many of his peers.


[vc_testimonial style=”theme7″ namesize=”18″ nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”2932″ name=”Kate Ketsuda” prof=”Queen of Gold | Canada” link=”url:%23″]

I wanted to take myself to the next level, so when Mario announced this bootcamp, I decided to join right away.


[vc_testimonial style=”theme7″ namesize=”18″ nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”3023″ name=”Dato’ Sri Ahmad Zaki” prof=”Founder of SimplyFX & Fame Capital | Singapore” link=”url:%23″]

This bootcamp is great! I joined this program 18 years back, but I’m participating again since the bootcamp is so good, so experiential and so emotional…it will change your life forever! It changed my life, and I believe it will change YOUR life!


[vc_testimonial style=”theme7″ namesize=”18″ nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”3024″ name=”Rick Ray” prof=”Top Trader & Coach | USA” link=”url:%23|rel:nofollow”]

The impact that this bootcamp had on me was that I realised at this level, I’m in my comfort zone. Now I understand that there’s so much potential, SO MUCH MORE I can achieve with myself.


[vc_testimonial style=”theme7″ namesize=”18″ nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”3351″ name=”Kevin Luong” prof=”Business Development Manager | Vietnam” link=”url:%23″]

This is the second time I joined UP! Bootcamp and it has given me a lot of things. Imagine you’re the driver of a vehicle, you need petrol to move forward. UP! Bootcamp is the fuel to ramp up the energy and the map to steer you towards the right direction in your life.


[vc_testimonial style=”theme7″ namesize=”18″ nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”3352″ name=”Tim Sim” prof=”Head of Global Sales | Singapore” link=”url:%23″]

I was blown away. The virtual bootcamp was way better than what I expected. I could immerse 100% in the virtual program without hesitation and reservation. To my colleagues and partners, if you are looking to be a better version of yourself, I urge you to spend the full 2.5 days in the UP! Bootcamp!


[vc_testimonial style=”theme7″ namesize=”18″ nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”3350″ name=”Franky Nangoy” prof=”Market Strategist & Trading Expert | Indonesia” link=”url:%23″]

This is the best bootcamp I’ve ever attended. I know my WHY. I know my true motivation behind my actions in order to build a better future.


[vc_testimonial style=”theme7″ namesize=”18″ nameclr=”#000000″ profclr=”#000000″ image_id=”3353″ name=”Siti Hana” prof=”Software Developer | Malaysia” link=”url:%23″]

I learned a lot in the bootcamp. It helped me understand myself better and boosted my self confidence in achieving my goals.


Our UP! Coaches

1. Solomon Foo (Assistant Head Coach)

2. Winson Goh

3. Puah Shyi Yeong

4. Karin Tan

5. Doreen Soon

6. Wilson Wong

7. Hoang Ba Minh

8. Vikran Tuayabat (Arm)

9. Mzd Daud

10. Salem Zulkeflee

11. Kate Ketsuda

12. Muhd Nazir

13. Eileen Song

14. Puteri Roz

15. Cynthia Pang

16. Annie Lee

17. Siti Hana

18. Louis Teo

Best-selling Books by UP!
Master Trainers, Mario Singh and Jet Toh

The Magical Rule of 3 by Mario Singh

What does it take to stay relevant in the rapidly changing landscapes of this new decade? How can you seal your personal, financial and entrepreneurial success forever?

In his latest book, “The Magical Rule of 3,” Mario Singh discusses the exact principles and strategies that have helped him tackle roadblocks and continually thrive in these three key areas: Personal, Financial and Business.

Having built and scaled an eight-figure business in just two years, Mario knows all too well the pains and triumphs in the journey to achieving success. He draws on both his accomplishments and failures over the years to deliver these tested concepts and action plans that anyone who’s driven to be more, do more, and have more, should seek to master.

Of Goals & French Fries by Jet Toh

If all things are possible, what kind of goals would you set?

Two decades ago, Jet Toh left a promising job as a financial controller in one of the world’s premier port owners to become an entrepreneur. In that time, he has achieved many major life goals – not all of them financial. He has made the usual “first million dollars” of many entrepreneurs but has also ticked some serious items on his bucket list like skydiving over the Mojave Desert, diving cageless with sharks in Fiji and evolving from a shy, introverted man to speaking on stage to an audience of 10,000! And most importantly, he’s found the time to be an almost full-time dad. He attributes his success largely to how he was taught to set goals – and how he refined that basic system over the years with advice from friends, mentors and his experiences.

Over the years, he has invested more than USD 100,000 in personal development seminars across the world. He’s now sharing it with you – the 9 STEPS: Goal Mastery™ program in his international best-selling book, “Of Goals & French Fries.”.

When is the next UP! Bootcamp Virtual session taking place?

Date: 26-28 March, 2021